Welcome to TIT Systems CDN!

This is a free service for providing often used files and scripts for websites and programs.

The service is only available via https and comes in two forms:
- cdn0.tit-cdn.de implements no tracking and all logs are erased daily
- cdn1.tit-cdn.de provides the same services, but with additinal tracking

If you use this service simply as a provider for scripts or fonts, connect to the cdn0 subdomain, if you use it to get statistics for your webservices, use the cdn1 subdomain.

Here are some examples:

Display your current IP:

https://tit-cdn.de/ip/  =>

Generating some most used codes from a string:

https://tit-cdn.de/encoder/  =>

Check if your password has been compromised (without sending your password):

https://pwned.tit-cdn.de/  =>

Generating a QR-Code:

<img src="https://cdn0.tit-cdn.de/qr/?q=Test%20content" />  for string "Test content".

Including a font in your website:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn0.tit-cdn.de/fonts/?f=Ubuntu" />  for font "Ubuntu".
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn0.tit-cdn.de/fonts/?f=Lato-Hairline" />  for a thin version of font "Lato".
Available fonts: Lato, Roboto, Ubuntu in Hairline, Light, Medium, Bold. Additionaly you can also use Font-Awesome and Material-Icons.

Including a script in your website:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn0.tit-cdn.de/js/?j=jQuery" />  for script "jQuery".
Available scripts: jQuery.

Tell me!

If you are using this service and you miss a font or something else you need, feel free to contact me (cdn |a.t| tit |d.o.t| systems) so I can upload it.

Datenschutz / Impressum